Hi, I'm Davide.

I'm a Researcher & SW Engineer

I've spent the last 3 years co-building a startup - Develop-Players πŸš€
I'm also a computer graphics researcher @ University of Milan "La Statale", currently working on sphere-mehses πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
Let's connect!


Hey! I'm Davide, if you haven't already gathered that by now. I'm a research fellow and a software engineer doing various stuff related video-games and computer graphics. I specialize in creating and using game/graphical engines (like my own or Unity!), but love building with whatever tools are right for the job.

I currently work for University of Milan and Develop-Players. I also like to create tools that ease the life of my team members (cool right?) and work as a (bad) fullstack developer to create tools for my company.

Outside of work, I like to play sports and video-games. Any given day of the summer you'll find me in the worst basketball courts of ForlΓ¬ πŸ€οΈ I even a YouTube channel if you're interested in what I'm doing!

I'm passively looking for new projects where I can merge my love for code with my entrepreneur soul. If you think you've got an opening that I might like, let's connect πŸ”—

My links

Use at work


Use for fun

FlutterTailwindDaVinci ResolveAfter EffectsFigmaPhotoshopMongoDBDjangoPythonFlaskCUDA


An image of the Sphere-mesh Editor project.

Sphere-mesh Editor

C++ - IEEE CG&A - STAG2023 - Best Paper Award

A real time editor/engine that allow the users to create and tweak a sphere mesh starting from a triangular mesh. Learn more >

An image of the Develop-Players project.


Unity - AWS - C# - React - Flutter

A social impact spin-off born from the University of Bologna and the need of a software platform to help students with ADHD or SLDs. Learn more >

An image of the Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics project.

Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics

C++ - OpenGL - Cmake

A smoothed-particle hydrodynamics simulation, a project made for fun to implement a simple physical and rendering engine. Learn more >

An image of the Find Your Way project.

Find Your Way

Flutter - Flask - RaspberryPI - Python - C++ - ESP32 - Arduino - LoRa - UWB - STM32 - AWS

Find Your Way is an advanced, user-friendly Internal Positioning System (IPS) with wayfinding capabilities, implemented in flutter. Learn more >


2021 - Present
Co-founder & Software Engineer
Cesena - Remote

I design and implement serious games for children with ADHD and SLD. Currently scaling our platform to reach more schools and children.

University of Milan
2024 - Present
Research Fellow

Working on my thesis project about Sphere-meshes to improve collision detection and response in real-time computer graphics applications.

University of Bologna
2021 - 2022
Research Fellow - pre-graduation
Cesena - Remote

I worked on a project about the use of video-games for screening and treatment of ADHD and SLD in children, that later converged into Develop-Players. I developed a prototype game in Unity and a web platform for data collection.



Shoot me an email if you want to connect! You can also find me on Linkedin or GitHub if that's more your speed.